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Neblio is an open-source distributed platform built to deploy applications and services for enterprise software. It was founded in 2017 by Eddy Smith and Ann Jackson, in collaboration with the marketing consultant Yuval Amar and two lead developers, Riley Stockton and Samer Afach.

Neblio aims to offer a suite of solutions that intend to simplify the process of integrating blockchain technology easily and efficiently by providing a range of different open source tools, APIs, and services.

The core of the platform is its RESTful APIs which act as the interpreter for programs and applications that interface with the Neblio blockchain. These APIs have the role of easing out the learning process and speed up the development of decentralized applications. The Neblio APIs make it possible to generate functional blockchain-based distributed applications in eight programming languages.

The network is secured and maintained via a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) mechanism, where holders are rewarded for staking their coins while there is no minimum amount of NEBL required for staking.

NEBL tokens are used on the blockchain to reward and incentivize users to secure and operate the network by running nodes.
  • RESTful API
    An API is a set of definitions and protocols for building and integrating application software. If an API is RESTful means that the API is attached to the REST architecture. Neblio's RESTful API facilitates the development of dApps and offers a development kit that supports 8 programming languages for APIs: Java, Ruby, Go, PHP, Python, JavaScript, C#, and Objective-C.
  • Multiple Programming Languages
    Neblio allows users to code in almost all well-known programming languages rather than learning a new blockchain-specific language. The wide range of languages that the platform supports broadens the pool of users who can code apps for the Neblio blockchain making this a big factor when it comes to the adoption of the Neblio ecosystem.
  • Block Time
    The platform releases a new block every 30 seconds.
  • Security
    Neblio technology is based on the proof-of-stake consensus algorithm which allows users to participate in a secure framework of blockchain technology network. Essentially this factor helps large businesses like manufacturing units and others to store huge amounts of records of various kinds, with security.
  • Staking
    Staking NEBL makes you an operator of the Neblio Network. Specifically, operators verify transactions, provide governance, and create new blocks.
  • Neblio Token Protocol-1
    The Neblio blockchain supports the tokenization of both physical and digital assets through Neblio Token Protocol-1 (NTP1).
*The indicators above, do not represent an investment advice and should not be treated as such. Please make your own research and risk assessment before exchanging your assets.
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