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The Kava Network is a fast and secure Layer-1 blockchain designed as an optimized co-chain architecture that incorporates the ecosystems of Ethereum and Cosmos into a distinct, scalable network. It was co-founded by Brian Kerr, Ruaridh O'Donnell, and Scott Stuart, who formed the network's main contributing team, under the name Kava Labs.

Kava’s unique co-chain architecture enables connections to the most used and interoperable blockchains, easing the free flow of users, assets, and projects into the Kava Ecosystem. Moreover, the platform powers a suite of native DeFi products, including decentralized swap pools and collateralized lending and borrowing, with a full ecosystem of 3rd party EVM and Cosmos SDK-based protocols. In particular, developers are able to deploy Solidity smart contracts that interoperate seamlessly with Cosmos SDK protocols in the same network, connecting their project to every major asset and millions of users.

Kava Network features a governance token, KAVA, that can be staked by validators or delegated to validator nodes. Stakers and delegators earn a portion of the network's fees as a reward for securing the network and also have voting rights in network governance proposals.
  • Co-Chain Architecture
    The Kava Network’s Co-Chains combine the flexibility and speed of Ethereum smart contract development with the interoperability of the Cosmos SDK. A Translator Module connects the two distinct execution environments of the Co-Chains, allowing them to work seamlessly together at scale.
  • Incentives
    The Kava Network features a transparent and decentralized on-chain incentive model. Specifically, a portion of KAVA emissions is directly awarded to the best developers and top projects in every Web3 vertical (including DeFi, GameFi, and NFTs) to incentivize usage and drive growth for the Kava ecosystem.
  • Tendermint Core consensus engine
    Kava Network relies on a Tendermint-based ( Byzantine Fault Tolerant) consensus engine designed to support Proof-of-Stake systems.
  • Inter-Blockchain Communication
    Kava utilizes open-source modules developed for the Cosmos ecosystem. Specifically, the network is integrated with the Inter Blockchain Communication (IBC), a mechanism that enables information to travel freely and securely between each connected blockchain.
  • The KavaDAO
    The Kava DAO is a fully decentralized autonomous organization that operates on a liquid democracy model, defining main network functions and the equitable distribution of on-chain incentives between the two chains. In particular, the contributors (stakers and validators) are responsible for the security and stability of the Kava Network.
*The indicators above, do not represent an investment advice and should not be treated as such. Please make your own research and risk assessment before exchanging your assets.
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